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Vol. 5 No. 2 (2018): Brazilian Journal of Empirical Legal Studies

Theoretical and pratical assumptions of Atlas. TI use in research "new economic partners of Brazil and regulatory instruments: an empirical approach of Angola case"

September 30, 2016


The aim of “New economic partners in Brazil and regulatory instruments in this respect: an empirical approach to the case of Angola”4 research is understanding the role of law in economic relations between
Brazil and Angola, one of the countries which Brazil more increased its trade and investment flows in recent years. There was adopted a qualitative research with a methodology that can explain the how the relationship between the countries is built, surpassing economic indices to go deeper in the ideational conditions of this movement. It was defined as research sources: bilateral agreements between countries, the unilateral discourse of each government, news, interviews, contractual arrangements and doctrine, whose analysis will be conducted with an inductive method and procedural methods to aid the analysis of speeches. Given the complexity and variety of the material collected, it was elected as a support instrument the software Atlas.ti, which allows the researcher to code the material in order to organize it and make relational inferences between the codes created, which serve as input to start the construction of a theory (grounded theory) based on empirical evidence and its position front of existing theories. Faced with the (methodological) option by Atlas.ti, this article aims to share the experience of such software in a legal research, reporting and comparing the theoretical and practical issues involved in its use.

[4] The reasearch “New economic partners in Brazil and regulatory instruments in this respect: an empirical approach to the case of Angola” is funded by Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo-FAPESP (FAPESP nº 14/25776-4).


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