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Vol. 2 No. 2 (2015): Brazilian Journal of Empirical Legal Studies

The challenge of social reintegration of the prisoner: a research in prisons

July 29, 2015


This article is based on a survey conducted within the framework of a technical cooperation agreement between the National Justice Council (CNJ) and the Institute for Applied Economic Research (IPEA), with the purpose of presenting an overview of criminal recidivism based on data collected in some States of the country (Alagoas, Minas Gerais, Pernambuco, Paraná, and Rio de Janeiro). It presents the results of a qualitative character investigation focused on the theme of social reintegration, understood as the ac- tual action of the government before the challenge of criminal recidivism. Thus, it outlines the existing initiatives, the implementation strategies, the deve- lopment of actions and the perceptions about social reintegration from the perspective of different actors, considering their respective insertions in the institu- tional world: judges; penal execution operators and agents involved in the implementation of the pro- grams (technical team of professionals from govern- ment agencies, prison staff, teachers, social workers, psychologists); prisoners and internees. 


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