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Vol. 8 (2021): Brazilian Journal of Empirical Legal Studies

The application of biding precedents: an empirical study about the factors that influence in forming the conviction of lifetime judges in the apreciation of mass demands

November 14, 2020


The article seeks to evaluate how judges on the early stages the judicial career, especially those in the process of being lifelong, see the system of binding precedents established by the Civil Procedural Code of 2015. The text considers judicial independence as a prerequisite of the rule of law, according to which citizens have the right to judicial protection necessarily based on the legal order and in which the convincing of the judge is free of extraneous pressures. This implies that judges must necessarily consider the binding precedents in their decisions, unless it is to be distinguished or overruled. Considering these premises, an empirical research was carried out with the judges who participated in the national module of the initial training course of the National Training School and Improvement of Magistrates. In this research, the conclusion is that judges have a strong adhesion of to the binding system of decisions.


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