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Vol. 11 (2024): Revista de Estudos Empíricos em Direito

FROM EFFECTIVENESS TO LEARNING: an analysis of the Inter-American System’s decisions on reproductive and sexual rights from a transconstitucionalism perspective

August 27, 2024


This article aims to analyze the evolution of the protection of reproductive and sexual rights in the Inter-American Human Rights System (IAHRS), using an empirical study of the decisions rendered by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACHR), its supervision of compliance with sentences by the Court, and the decisions by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR Commission). The primary objective is to verify the effectiveness of these decisions within the internal orders of member states regarding these rights, as well as the normative learning due to constitutional conversations held between state orders and the international order of the Inter-American System. The main question raised is whether the decisions issued by the Inter-American Human Rights System that mention sexual or reproductive rights are effective and binding within internal legal orders. In other words, is the learning work conducted by the Court, aimed at recognizing the internal legal orders of the states bound to the Inter-American System, sufficient to promote learning in the particular rationalities of the state orders in pursuit of protecting the human rights defended by the Inter-American System? The methodology used in the article—beyond case studies—is based on the analysis through the lens of Marcelo Neves' transconstitutionalism. This way, it is possible to observe whether the communicational decisions of the IAHRS are received and accepted by the internal legal orders of the states linked to it, thus promoting the evolution of sexual and reproductive rights.


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