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Vol. 11 (2024): Revista de Estudos Empíricos em Direito


October 12, 2023


The provision of alimony and child support, owed by one family member to another, has remote origins and well-established legal tradition. This paper identifies these origins, where the offsetting of alimony payments was banned. The Brazilian legal system, was well as several others, prohibits the compensation of alimony. This rule was consolidated in articles 373, II, and 1.707, both of the Brazilian Civil Code. However, Brazilian Courts occasionally circumvent this rule. We sought, therefore, to identify these exceptions, their justification and other characteristics of recent jurisprudence, by means of empirical research. We selected thirty-six rulings from the Brazilian Superior Court of Justice, outlining their main characteristics. Judicial innovation was contrasted with an immemorial rule. The exception is made under the argument of prohibiting unjust enrichment. The practice proved to be fair because it was well limited to expenses that were essential for creditor’s survival, namely expenses with health, education and housing. It was also necessary to scrutinize the decisions from a gender perspective, outlining challenges for the advancement of the debate.


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