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Vol. 2 No. 2 (2015): Brazilian Journal of Empirical Legal Studies

Perceptions about compliance with law and vulnerable groups in Brazil

July 30, 2015


This paper investigates the degree of effectiveness of the rule of law in Brazil by analyzing how some vulnerable social groups, such as women and black people, deals with the compliance with law and with some authorities’ orders in Brazil. We created the Bra- zilian Confidence in Justice Index (BCJI) as a validate argument for our confidence measure and the Brazil Perception of Compliance with Law Index” (BPCLI) that measure perceptions, attitudes and habits of Brazilians concerning compliance to law. We identi- fied some reasons that could explain the perceptions of these specific social groups. We found that there is a positive and significant relationship between the Brazilian Confidence in Justice Index (BCJI) and Per- ception of Compliance with Law Index (BPCLI). This paper innovates when it shows some patterns regard- ing two vulnerable groups analyzed here: women and blacks believe that there are few reasons for a person like them obey the laws. In addition, we concluded that women have a higher level of BPCLI than men, which means, women comply with the law more than men; and blacks have a worst perception of the com- pliance with law comparing with whites, since they understand that Brazilian society seldomly comply with law. We also found a positive relationship of BP- CLI with variable age and income.


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