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Vol. 2 No. 2 (2015): Brazilian Journal of Empirical Legal Studies

The Brazilian legal dogmatics of the “realization of social and economic rights” under trial: methodological reflections based on a contextualist approach

July 30, 2015


The Brazilian law community has seen a proliferation
of legal essays and academic papers in recent years
focused on proposing legal solutions to the problem
of realization of social and economic rights. In most
cases, however, these efforts ignore the epistemological
and methodological difficulties imposed on the
task of giving meaning to the statements that compose
them, resulting in a semantic emptiness of the
discourse as a whole. This article surveys some recent
contributions on philosophy of language, on contextualist
epistemologies, on theory of law and on development
studies, fields directly linked to the problem
addressed here, to identify the methodological challenges
imposed on the discourse building process
that engage the scientist of law devoted to the problem
of the realization of the social and economic constitutional
rights in the Brazilian context, arguing that
its meaning depends on the weighing and balancing
of methodological principles observed by scientists
of other fields, but still ignored by most of the Brazilian
legal community.


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