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Digital Rights in Motion Special Issue

Vol. 9 (2022): Digital rights on the move

The “LLC.COM®” conflict in the STJ caselaw: analysis under the Knowledge Discovery Database (KDD) method

November 29, 2021


The application of computational tools to legal research can greatly enrich the study and practice of Law. In this article, we show how the approach known as Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD), by Fayyad, Piatetsky-Shapiro e Smyth (1996), can be used to pinpoint various elements related to a legal issue. The subject dealt with is the potential conflicts between company’s names, brands and virtual domains, institutes that make up the intangible elements of commercial identity and which, with the advancement of the internet, would tend to collide, as the initial hypothesis of the work. While applying the method, we seek to explore case indicators (number of cases, cited principles, case reporting predominance, etc.), as well as pointing out how case law responds to this possible conflict. The collection of cases was concentrated in the Special Appeals judged by the Brazilian Superior Tribunal of Justice, between 2001 and July 2021. The results indicate, among others, that the number of cases that actually deal with the matter are not as many as it was supposed to be; most of the discussions focus on the Industrial Property Law; two ministers concentrate almost 50% of the reporting of cases and there was a predominance of domain name, business name and trademark owners, in this order, in the winning party side.


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