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Digital Rights in Motion Special Issue

Vol. 9 (2022): Digital rights on the move

"I accept Habbo Hotel's terms and conditions, privacy policy and cookie policy": considerations for an enforced personal data protection

August 10, 2021


The research brings results from a scientific initiation that sought to analyze the relationship between personal data and the terms of service signed by users of the virtual game Habbo Hotel in light of the Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados Pessoais (LGPD). Habbo Hotel is a virtual community in which people play social roles online on a multiplayer platform. Thus, a qualitative research with an applied nature and exploratory objective was carried out, systematized by documentary analysis and fieldwork. Five priorities were listed for the analysis: “use”, “access”, “processing”, “deletion”, and “dissemination” of personal data. In the documents investigated, it was noted that the Hotel 1) uses personal data to contact users, provide services, and use cookies; 2) makes data available to users upon request, but does not present an objective description of the right to portability; 3) processes the data in a partially clear manner, without discriminating how, in fact, it occurs; 4) allows users to delete their data from the platform, but does not indicate the deletion of these by third parties; and 5) disseminates the data with other service providers. In the fieldwork, it was found that users understand the need for protection of personal data and tend toward an economic view of them. Finally, we conclude that the LGPD is an important instrument for the protection of personal data, which should be allied to critical debate and collective protection, seeking the defense of the free development of the human personality.  


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