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Vol. 7 No. 2 (2020): Dossier Ethnographies on justice and criminality in perspective

“Mistakes will be charged”: revenge cycles and feuds between criminal groups in Natal/RN after the Alcacuz massacre

November 18, 2019


The proposal is to analyze the relationship between the massacre in the prison of Alcaçuz and Rogério Coutinho Madruga, inserted in the municipality of Nísia Floresta, RN, in January 2017 and which resulted in the death of at least 27 people and in 71 disappearances. We intend to describe this event, understand its consequences and its relationship with the strengthening of disputes between two rival factions (PCC and SDC) and the increase in violence in Natal, especially in 2017 and 2018. In what sense has this tragic episode contributed (and does it contribute) to this situation? What is the relationship between these issues and the current conditions in the prison system?

Key words: 

Faction; prison system; disputes; Alcaçuz massacre



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