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Vol. 7 No. 3 (2020): Brazilian Journal of Empirical Legal Studies

Towards an agenda of empirical legal research on the psychology of judicial decision-making on Brazil

May 5, 2019


Commonplace research strategies in the areas of Experimental Psychology and Behavioral Economics have been used in the last twenty years to investigate whether extrajudicial variables influence the judicial decision-making process. These studies show that personal issues, time and workload constraints, and the existence of cognitive biases and unconscious stereotypes may interfere with the outcome of cases, and thus can be problematic in the light of normative ideals of justice. However, empirical research in Judgment and Decision making applied to judicial contexts is still poorly known by the Brazilian legal community. In this review, we present a balance of the methodologies used in recent studies, as well as their limitations and challenges. With this critical survey, we aim to stimulate the diffusion of these research strategies in the institutional reality of the Brazilian Judiciary.


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