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Vol. 7 No. 1 (2020): Brazilian Journal of Empirical Legal Studies

(Re)placing the law next to the social dynamics: the institutionalization of sociology of law in the curricula and the crossing of the socio-legal research in the law graduation

February 25, 2019


This work intends to map the institutionalization of the sociology of law in the faculties of law indicated by the seal “OAB Recomenda”. In order to do so, it analyzed the data obtained from the search of the sites of the educational institutions object of the present study, as well as the information sent by e-mail by the secretariat, regarding the format and teaching of the sociology of law or juridical sociology (in this study used as synonyms). Therefore, we searched for some specific data about this discipline in the curricula of the institutions studied, especially if there is in the curricular structure a discipline focused on its teaching; the nomenclature attributed to it; if your menu makes clear what your object is, and finally; if the bibliography adopted covers texts and books of legal sociology or sociology of law, or only books and texts from other fields of knowledge are indicated. Such mapping is relevant insofar as the legislation that governs legal education currently favors the interdisciplinarity of knowledge, which is the place of legal sociology in law courses.


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