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Vol. 1 No. 2 (2014): Brazilian Journal of Empirical Legal Studies

Empirical research on the management of public servants: legal mechanisms for the modernization of the public administration of Brazilian federal units

July 31, 2014


This paper aims to analyze part of the empirical data generated from a research performed for the Projeto Pensando o Direito (Project Thinking the Law) on the mechanisms for modernization of public management, supported by United Nations Development Program (UNDP). The quantitative-empirical method was used here for data collection from public agencies of public servants management of 54 Brazilian federal units. By showing the problems that the latest Administrative Reform did not solve when it tried to stimulate efficiency, this paper offers legal solutions that should promote a more efficient public management. It does so by taking into account that the modernization of the public administration should follow the constitutional project of national development. The data analysis was completed to construct a comparative picture of the management from public servants of different Public Administrations, concerning its legal regime, due to pay bands, length of working hours, and the presence of mechanisms for promotion and qualification of its workforce. We intended to emphasize the need for strategic planning concerning the public servants workforce of the federal units, an issue that was not considered carefully enough in the last Administrative Reform.


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