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Suplemento Especial: V Encontro Nacional de Antropologia do Direito

Vol. 5 No. 3 (2018): Brazilian Journal of Empirical Legal Studies

"There is no 100% privacy on the internet": on law, women, intimacy and internet

January 18, 2019


This article issues belong to a broader research on the debates and struggles around the “revenge porn” or
“leaking” of images. These are frequently used terms to refer to the non-authorized publishing and circulation of material considered private and/or erotic of (frequently) women, with vexing and slanderous purpose. My ongoing PhD research follows the attempts of creation and nomination of those categories in the different contexts of their enactment. I pay attention to the siymbolic and classificatory disputes in their social construction as a “internet times” issue and a moral “regulation” of female sexuality, culminating in initiatives to recognize such situations as a specific form of violence against women. I deal here, ethnographically, with the ways the issue has been framed by a legal and legislative perspective, focusing on the measures carried out towards criminalization and its insertion within Law Maria da Penha, which specifically covers domestic and family violence against women.


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