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Vol. 6 No. 3 (2019): Brazilian Journal of Empirical Legal Studies

Vulnerability and aging: A study of the Long-Term Care Institutions for Elderly in Sergipe

August 28, 2018


This article synthetizes the results of an empirical research concerning Long-Term Care (LTC) Institutions for elderly people in the State of Sergipe, between the years of 2017 and 2018, and it was part of the activities of
the Research Group about Inequalities and Fundamental Rights, and it had its beginning with the elderly rights recognized in the National Policy of the Elderly, the Statute of the Elderly and the Federal Constitution of Brazil from 1988, in contrast with the difficulties of implementation and effectiveness faced by these guarantees. The research used secondary data from a study already conducted by IPEA in 2008, on the characteristics of long-term care institutions for the elderly in the northeast region of Brazil, and ten years later it was possible to stablish a comparative analysis with an empirical study in these institutions in Sergipe. There was an increase in the total number of elderly residents in long term care institutions compared to 2008, but this increase did not represent a percentage increase in the number of elderly assisted, as it did not accompany the growth of the elderly population in the state. Concerning legislations limitations, this article emphasizes regulations that instead of protecting the elderly ends up bringing limitation to its autonomy and independence, mainly in social activities, because these institutions tend to put the elderly away from them.
The results indicate the financial difficulties of institutions to maintain services and a transfer of the executive’s responsibility to philanthropic institutions in relation to the creation and maintenance of LTC Institution in Sergipe, demonstrating that the fragility of public policies aggravates the vulnerability of the elderly.


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