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Vol. 6 No. 1 (2019): Brazilian Journal of Empirical Legal Studies

Relevant factors for the impunity of state agents in latin America: an empirica study about noncompliance of judgments of the inter-american court

October 25, 2017


This article seeks to identify which factors are involved in the criminal prosecutions of states condemned by the Inter - American Court, which are relevant to analyze the impunity of state agents responsible for human rights violations. As a methodology, the study uses the data sample from the study of Zaverucha and Leite (2016), which revealed that in the judgments handed down by the Court between 2001 and 2013, the reparation measure for the states to investigate, prosecute and punish state agents guilty of crimes has never been fully met by countries. Thus, through a qualitative research, of the exploratorydescriptive type, using the inductive method, and from the information contained in the resolutions of supervision of compliance with the Court’s judgments, we identified the factors that may explain the noncompliance of this measure of reparation. The analysis of the data showed that the time factor is important, since the more recent the crime, the greater the tendency to succeed in carrying out the criminal prosecution. The number of defendants was also characterized as an important element, showing that more than half of the cases analyzed did not have individual defendants or investigations of violations were not completed, and when individualized, the greater the number of defendants, the greater the difficulty. The analysis also showed that most of the cases are in the investigative phase, and not in the Judiciary. Finally, the type of crime was considered as a relevant factor, and it was verified that when there is a crime of forced disappearance, the tendency is that the criminal process is not fulfilled.


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