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Vol. 4 No. 1 (2017): Brazilian Journal of Empirical Legal Studies

Collective action and rights defense in Salobro and Jacurutu traditional pasture communities in western Bahia

February 14, 2017


This article analyzes the place of law in the struggle for preservation of traditional ways of life of pasture
communities in Western Bahia (Jacurutu and Salobro). In order to analyse the political organization of these communities, we used the theory of public arenas by Daniel Cefaï, highlighting the way the members of the communities organized their experiences of contact with land grabbers; to the multiple motivations for engagement and the way in which the conflict was being constructed as a public issue. The study found that, for a long time, the resistance that the communities faced during the process of expropriation was being incorporated in everyday relationships, driven by the notion of respect for customs and having a predominantly local character. From 2006, with the support of Pastoral Land Commission, Rural Workers’ Union, and later of lawyers of the of Rural Workers Lawyers Association in the State of Bahia, the communities started to articulate and to insert themselves in public actions, organization, complaint, negotiation that became to be the public arena, which configured the conflict as a public problem. In this process, we found that the notion of customary and/or positive rights defense played a key role in the characterization of the confrontation during both phases of the conflict, contributing both to the engagement between the subjects as well as for the recognition of the conflict as a public issue.


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