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Vol. 5 No. 1 (2018): Brazilian Journal of Empirical Legal Studies

The challenges and new paths of Brazil's legal research

November 2, 2016


The paper presents an overview about the legal research in Brazil, characterized as an area of late development in comparison with other human sciences disciplines, and usually related with professional bias, or with the lack of methodological concern. The paper argues that this perspective is derived from the problem that involves the historical condition of the legal researcher in Brazil, regarding social expectations and institutional recognition of the career. To address this problem, the paper is organized around two questions. Why there is a necessary relationship between legal research and researcher in law? What are the challenges of the researcher in Brazil? The first question discusses the relation between points of view and research in law – the paper recalls the classical distinction from H.L.A. Hart to explain the historical condition of research. The second, on the other hand, discusses cases from the Brazilian experience. In this second moment, it is discussed how the belief in the self-sufficiency of the field of law was determinant for the late development of the legal research in Brazil. This late development is demonstrated by the analysis of official data from the government agency linked to the Ministry of Education that controls the post-graduate courses in Brazil (Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior) and, secondly, by a comparison between these data and the project “Pensando o Direito”, coordinated by th Ministry of Justice and Citizenship. Also, the paper highlights the experience of the Center for Studies and Research in Legal Education in the 1960s, to indicate that this debate is an old problem in the country. Finally, some considerations about legal education reforms vis-à-vis legal research are addressed. This paper is a reflection about the historical condition of the legal research and the researcher in Brazil, underscoring new paths and challenges.


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